
Make an option to toggle contents on/off (Part 2)


by vietmusic


Method 2


The basic idea of the first content toggle was to wrap the <toc> in another div, and make that disappear. But if you've seen Wikipedia, you know that their toggle is embedded inside of the table. You can do that too, with some ingenuity.





Just paste the following code into your wiki page, preferably at the bottom. Then, just put your Table of Contents with <toc> anywhere you want, and it'll automatically embed a toggle INSIDE of the contents. Furthermore, you can have as many <toc>'s as you want (a limitation of the other way is that there's just one per page). Alternatively, put it at the bottom of your SideBar and then it'll work ANYWHERE in your wiki.


<script language="javascript">
var allPageTags = new Array(); 
var allPageTags=document.getElementsByTagName("*");


function loadMe() {
for (i=0; i<allPageTags.length; i++) {
if (allPageTags[i].className=="toc")
allPageTags[i].innerHTML = "<div style="margin-left:-15px;text-align:center"><a href="javascript:TOCToggle(" + i + ")"><b><small>Contents (Hide)</small></b></a></div>" + '<div id="toctog' + i + '">' + allPageTags[i].innerHTML + '</div>';

function TOCToggle(id_num) {
if (document.getElementById("toctog"+id_num).style.display == "none") {
    document.getElementById("toctog"+id_num).style.display = "block";
    allPageTags[id_num].innerHTML = allPageTags[id_num].innerHTML.replace("Contents (Show)","Contents (Hide)");
else {
    document.getElementById("toctog"+id_num).style.display = "none";
    allPageTags[id_num].innerHTML = allPageTags[id_num].innerHTML.replace("Contents (Hide)","Contents (Show)");




See above.


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